Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My First Proper Post About Bingo

'Bingo Lingo' is the topic

Bingo for years has been associated with older ladies and probably clubs around the UK. I remember as a child I used to play bingo at the club on the holiday site I went to with my grandparents (it was accompanied by the talent competition that I'm ashamed to say I was probably responsible for a few broken glasses and maybe windows - I'm terrible at singing and can't imagine I was any better back in those days, workings men clubs seem to be quite partial to it as well with men and women playing a few cards at once with there dobber. My step dad manages to play many more cards than my mum. he appears quite talented at it. Any way I digress.

Bingo is also associated with bingo language that some call 'bingo lingo' - for those new to bingo it's like the rhyming slang of bingo. Most people will have come across it at some point but may not realise that it is called 'bingo lingo' as it's the names given to each number that is called as the balls are drawn.

1. Kelly's Eye 46. Up to Tricks
2. One Little Duck 47. Four and Seven
3. Cup of Tea 48. Four Dozen
4. Knock at the Door 49. PC
5. Man Alive 50. Half a Century
6. Tom Mix 51. Tweak of the Thumb
7. Lucky Seven 52. Danny la Rue
8. Garden Gate 53. Stuck in the Tree
9. Doctor's Orders 54. Clean the Floor
10. Gordon's Den 55. Snakes Alive
11. Legs Eleven 56. Was She Worth It
12. One Dozen 57. Heinz Varieties
13. Unlucky for Some 58. Make Them Wait
14. Valentine's Day 59. Brighton Line
15. Young and Keen 60. Five Dozen
16. Sweet Sixteen 61. Baker's Bun
17. Dancing Queen 62. Turn on the Screw
18. Coming of Age 63. Tickle Me 63
19. Good-bye Teens 64. Red Raw
20. One Score 65. Old Age Pension
21. Key of the Door 66. Clickety-Click
22. Two Little Ducks 67. Made in Heaven
23. Thee and Me 68. Saving Grace
24. Two Dozen 69. Either Way Up
25. Duck and Dive 70. Three Score and Ten
26. Pick and Mix 71. Bang on the Drum
27. Gateway to Heaven 72. Six Dozen
28. Over-Weight 73. Queen B
29. Rise and Shine 74. Candy Store
30. Dirty Gertie 75. Strive and Strive
31. Get Up and Run 76. Trombones
32. Buckle My Shoe 77. Sunset Strip
33. Dirty Knee 78. Heaven's Gate
34. Ask for More 79. One More Time
35. Jump and Jive 80. Eight and Blank
36. Three Dozen 81. Stop and Run
37. More than Eleven 82. Straight on Through
38. Christmas Cake 83. Time for Tea
39. Steps 84. Seven Dozen
40. Naughty Forty 85. Staying Alive
41. Time for Fun 86. Between the Sticks
42. Winnie the Pooh 87. Torquay in Devon
43. Down on your Kness 88. Two Fat Ladies
44. Droopy Drawers 89. Nearly There
45. Halfway There 90. Top of the Shop

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